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Friday, January 11, 2013

My First (Un)Official Weigh-In (short post)

Well, between the flu and Pneumonia having a dance off inside my body this week I have not worked out once! I have hardly eaten anything healthy, let along eat at all. I could not have picked a better week to BEGIN AGAIN!  Let's just say it hasn't been pretty. I have been one sick girl.

Friday's are me new weigh in Days, so I did get up and weigh in today just to give myself a starting point. Though it is not a number I like or a number I wanted to see, it is better than I thought it would be.
Here is my first official Weigh in of 2013...


While that is not where I want to be, I did expect for it to be higher. I wanted to post before pics today, but I think I might scare all of you away with how atrocious I look right now from being sick and in bed the majority of the week.  I am ready to get my strength back and start working on my health again! 

Here's to healthy living in 2013!!
